Simulation-guided protein engineering and drug design
Our expertise is in combining computational methods to get the answer to our questions, whether they are about proteins, enzymes, or drugs. Our publications in respectable journals, such as Nature Communications, Journal of the American Chemical Society, and Biochemistry demonstrate use cases and establish our position in the field.

Every client is different. We want to know what your problem is and what you want in a solution.

Although we have fun doing our jobs, it doesn’t mean we can’t be professional about it.

We only accept projects that we feel are meaningful, so we are dedicated to make it work.

We have the experience and the expertise to get you where you want to go.

Protein engineering
Designing functional proteins tailored for specific tasks can be daunting. When classical protein engineering methods don’t work (or are too costly), computational methods could be a starting point. Contact us to discuss your project more in-depth. We keep your project confidential while helping you get to where you want to go.
Drug design
Designing drug against a target requires knowledge about the target structure, function, and mechanisms of interactions. We use computational methods to provide a deeper understanding of the target and the drug interactions with it, so you can start designing the optimal drug.

Computational chemistry workshops
Are you curious about computational chemistry methods such as quantum chemistry, molecular docking, molecular dynamics (MD) simulations, or free energy calculations methods such as free energy perturbation (FEP)? Now you can organize a lecture or a workshop on the topic together with us to get your research group, department, or company onboard with the possibilities and limitations of these methods. Contact us for more information.